What is it?
Critical path method
(CPM) is a technique for analysing the work to be done on a project
into identifiable tasks at an early stage.
When to use it
CPM can be used
on any project (large or small) which has a definable beginning and
end and involves the performance of a number of distinct but interrelated
tasks, according to a logical sequence of work flow.
What does it achieve?
CPM enables alternative
courses of action to be examined both initially and while a project
is under way. As a result communications are improved, trouble-spots
are highlighted for special attention at the right time, and effort
is concentrated on the time critical tasks.
Key steps
Stage 1
- List activities
- Note constraints
- Draw network
Stage 2
- Add time estimates
for activities
- Calculate float,
critical path, etc.
Stage 3
- Agree Network
and target dates
- Modify network
if necessary
- Distribute networks
or issue data
Stage 4
- Monitor progress
- Initiate remedial
action as necessary.
Typical Critical Path Network diagram