Gaining Support

What is it?

Gaining support is a technique which provides you with a set of guidelines when enlisting the support of others who are affected by your project or process.

When to use it

  • Planning to implement a change
  • Testing peoples acceptance of a solution
  • reaffirming support of team members

What does it achieve?

No matter how well you plan, develop and manage a project, it can fail unless you have enlisted the support of those who may be affected by its outcome. a well prepared project plan, with the full support of those involved, will achieve success more easily.

If the support of those involved has been gained prior to, and during, a project then each team member will feel more committed to the successful completion of the project.

Gaining support doesn't guarantee success, but makes success more achievable. It considers other people's personal biases and gives them an understanding of why the project is progressing in a certain direction. It enhances the team spirit during each stage of the project.

Key steps

  • Decide whose support you need
  • Decide what support you need
  • Determine best route for communication
  • Communicate
  • Evaluate and follow up