Problem solving process

What is it?

The problem solving process is a logical sequence for solving problems and improving the quality of decisions. It is also a guide to identifying which tools and techniques to apply.

When to use it

The problem solving process can be applied to any problem or deviation from requirements but can also be used to tackle an opportunity.

What does it achieve?

Problems, no matter their size or complexity, can best be solved by proceeding through a sequence of steps. This ensures that everything possible will be done to apply the available resources in the most effective manner, to consider a number of options, and to select the best solution.

The problem solving process can be used for:

  • Producing a clear statement of the identified problem/opportunity
  • Gathering all necessary information associated with a problem/opportunity
  • Analysing collected data and providing a clear statement of the root causes of a problem or the benefits of an opportunity
  • Producing a list of all potential solutions to a problem/opportunity
  • Selecting the best solution to fit the problem/opportunity
  • Implementing and testing a plan
  • Establishing a process for continuous improvement and holding the gains

“When you’re eating an elephant, take one bite at a time”